Mission of Thales College
Thales College provides an affordable Liberal Arts and Professional education so that students develop the wisdom–intellectual ability, meaningful knowledge, moral character, and professional excellence–needed to thrive in life and work.
Thales College is named after Thales of Miletus, a master of thought and one of the first ancient Greek philosophers. Thales used his knowledge to lead Miletus to success in business and to advance the best thinking of his day. Thales College aims to model his example of learning and leading in the community.
Dear Prospective Student,
Thales College will form you to be an intelligent, empathetic, moral, and resilient leader. I say “leader” rather than “student” because Thales College is not limited to offering a rigorous academic education. At Thales College, we provide real world experiences, one-on-one mentorship, and a carefully curated degree program.
The Thales College model was crafted with these three aspects in order to maximize individual success. Theoretical knowledge is limited without experiential practice; hence, our internship program. Professor lectures have limits without personal investment in students; hence, our emphasis on mentorship. Finally, we understand the importance of a solid foundation in academic theory; hence, our study of the great truths found throughout the ages.
Our curriculum is built upon the lessons I’ve learned in my 45+ year career in entrepreneurship, in both my manufacturing company as well as my network of private and charter K-12 schools. Over the years, our team has discovered the traits and skills needed to succeed, and now, we wish to pass them on to you. We have sourced our curriculum from the best thinkers of today and yesterday, in order to bring you a program rich in truth and broad in skills development.
We are looking for students who have a drive and a passion to make themselves contributors. If you have the ambition, we will help you develop the skills, techniques, and knowledge you need to realize your passion and fulfill your innate potential.
My own mentor, William H. Peterson, said he had one primary reason he went to school: to learn how to think. Exercising humanity’s unique gift of rationality is an invaluable skill that you will need throughout your life.
If this sounds like the place for you, I would like to personally invite you to apply to Thales College. I can promise you an education that will prepare you well for an excellent and successful future.

Kind regards,
Robert L. Luddy
Founder, Thales College